名称 | Hantavirus Hantaan IGG/M EIA 现货 |
型号 | |
更新时间 | 2023-09-25 |
特点 | Hantavirus Hantaan IGG/M EIA 现货Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of IgG/IgM antibodies against the serotype Hantaan of Hantavirus in human serum.} |

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品牌 | 其他品牌 | 货号 | RE57451 |
供货周期 | 现货 | 应用领域 | 医疗卫生,化工,制药 |
Hantavirus Hantaan IGG/M EIA 现货Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of IgG/IgM antibodies against the serotype Hantaan of Hantavirus in human serum.
Hantavirus Hantaan IGG/M EIA 现货 The Hantavirus (Hantaan) IgG/IgM-ELISA is suited for the qualitative detection of specific IgG and IgMantibodies against the Hantaan virus in cases of suspected hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS).The detection of infections with Puumala virus or other serotypes is only limited (see Interpretation ofResults / Diagnostic Efficiency).2. SUMMARY AND EXPLANATIONThe hemorrhagic fever with renale syndrome (HFRS) is caused by viruses of the Hantaan type. Comparedto nephropathia epidemica (NE), caused by infection with the closely related Puumala virus, generally HFRSis a severe infection, accompanied by uremia, respiratory paralysis and hemorrhages with typical shock syndromes, often with a fatal outcome.First signs of the disease are influenza-like symptomes. An initial thrombocytopenia and leucocytosis arealso typical for HFRS.The Hantaan virus is predominantly found in Asia and the Balkan States and is transmitted to humansthrough direct contact with rodents, excrements of rodents or aerosoles. Soldiers, farmers and campers areparticularly at risk.